Hey there! By reading this you are a member of the literary, the discerning, the (at present) precious few seeking Gary Alan McBride, and, well, you got me. While you’re here you may as well check out, in descending order of importance, my podcast, my writing group, my book, and my professional activities.
I’m active in the local Boulder community: I host a few radio programs on KGNU-FM, I lead the Writers Who Read literary forensics group, and I frequently attend Dairy Arts Center events and other vaguely artistic thingies. Does craft beer count?
If you want to connect, you could social-media the hell out of me, but if you’d like a response, I suggest you give me a shout.
Hey, Boulder…I’ve started a book club–for writers! The first meeting will be Wednesday, August 1, 2018, at 7pm in Boulder, Colorado. (Almost) all the details are here.
We’re called Writers Who Read and we meet September-June on the first Sunday of the month at 2:30 pm (usually) at the Main Boulder Public Library. Check out our upcoming books–hope you can join us!

The Wildcat is an eco-disaster thriller set in fictional Belgian Guyana. Rita witnesses a kidnapping, and gets thrown into the middle of an ethnic, political, and corporate battle. Oil’s the prize, but for Rita, it’s personal.
Can she save a life and still save her homeland?